Powering Lives
Brown County Rural Electrical Association is a member-owned cooperative delivering electric power to nearly 4,000 members in Brown county and parts of Blue Earth, Cottonwood, Nicollet, Redwood, Renville, Sibley, and Watonwan counties.
Brown County REA is a not-for-profit electric cooperative. Electric cooperatives were formed in the mid-1930s. Electric cooperatives must meet three primary criteria: must be owned by the members they serve, provide at cost electric service, and governed by a board of directors elected from their membership.
We are governed by a member-elected board of directors comprised of member-consumers who serve three-year terms. We are staffed by 16 professionals who are ready to deliver on our mission to safely provide our members with electric service at the lowest possible cost consistent with sound business practices.
As an electric distribution cooperative we do not generate the power we sell. We purchase our power from a generation and transmission cooperative. Our power provider is Great River Energy with its headquarters located in Maple Grove, Minnesota. Great River Energy (GRE) is Minnesota's second largest electric power supplier and one of the largest generation and transmission cooperative in the country. GRE generates electricity at power plants and transmits it across high voltage transmission lines. To learn more about our generation and transmission (G&T) company visit their website at: https://greatriverenergy.com.
To learn more about Brown County REA check out our Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and past newsletter issues.