As a member you are a part owner of Brown County Rural Electrical Association and you have a say in how the cooperative is run.
View our member handbook, Articles of Incorporation, and By-Laws below.
New Member Handbook Articles of Incorporation & By-Laws Service Agreement
Interested or know of someone who may be interested in running for a position as Director for your electric cooperative and lives in the blue shaded area of the map? Nominations are being sought for candidates to run for election in BCREA’s Districts 1, 4, and 5.
BCREA’s nine-member Board of Directors meets monthly, typically the last Thursday of each month. Meetings are held at the cooperative headquarters in Sleepy Eye. Other meetings include the co-op’s Annual Meeting; annual and other meetings of wholesale power supplier, Great River Energy, Minnesota Rural Electric Association (MREA) district and annual meetings; National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) annual meeting, and other meetings to learn and stay current on policies and procedures of the electric industry. Directors are elected to three-year terms and must reside in the district they represent.
If interested in being nominated, please fill out and return the Director Candidate Application below. Contact Marcia at
800-658-2368 or email with questions.
Director Candidate Application